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Skipper Course 2024: SEAScape Pearson 303

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Skipper Course 2024: SEAScape Pearson 303


Skipper Course: SEAScape Pearson 303 


Zoom classes:

August 15, 19, 20, and 22nd, 2024

6:00 - 9:00 PM

Water session:

Saturday August 24th - Sunday 25th (two days and one night)

This course is offered to skipper candidates (who have been prequalified) for SEAScape, our 30 foot Pearson 303 sloop moored in City Island, The Bronx.  Upon passing the course, the candidate will be able to participate in a SEAScape Pearson 303 cruising boat Skipper program.  

The course material, classroom sessions, and water sessions will cover a coastal cruising curriculum appropriate for a 30 ft sloop rigged boat with an auxiliary engine. 

The skipper candidates are required to teach portions of the course, and the instructor will assign the sections to teach.  

Please purchase this program, if you were pre-qualified for this class in 2024.  Otherwise, if you are interested, please contact SEAS Morris to get on the list for future classes.  

NOTE: Upon passing this class in August 2024, you will have the option for a discounted 2024 Skipper Program.   

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